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We offer the best products for Alaska's arctic temperatures and difficult conditions. Wire designed to stay flexible in cold, dry temps; boiler protection systems that will keep your pipes from freezing in the event of a power outage; car and truck batteries that are worry-free, sure start in any temperature; and even portable jumpstart kits so you are never stranded. Stop in or contact us today to stay prepared.
Be Prepared in our Arctic Conditions

Power Outages Lead to Frozen Pipes!

RES Power Back-Up Kits can keep your pipes from freezing during a power outage with automatic operation whether you are at home or out of town for complete peace of mind. Power outages, when unprepared, can lead to loss of heat and frozen pipes. Talk to us about our simple off-grid solutions that will keep your furnace running and your pipes from freezing, even during extended power outages.
FREE site visit and FREE estimate
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Custom Systems available
Cabin Kits
Warm your cabin before you arrive!
Our cabin kits are the only packages in the state that you can call to turn on the heat before you arrive! RES kits are ready for our toughest Alaskan winter temps and are rated for 90 below. Perfect for off-grid cabins and lake houses.
FREE site visit and FREE estimate
Ask us about our installation specials
Custom Systems available
Arctic Strength Polar Wire

Arctic UltraFlex Blue is the premier Arctic-grade wire rated and proven to work in extreme temperature ranges of -55C to 105C. This highly flexible wire combines finely stranded copper construction with a jacket of material that resists the abuses of oil, gasoline, sunlight, salt water, acids and chemicals.
PV Panels