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30% Tax Credit
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50% Tax Grants
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Alaska's Complete Solar Installation Experts

AK Power Costs Twice
the National Average!
Did you know?
Alaska’s cost of power is twice the national average in major cities and can be more than 8 times more expensive in the remote villages of Alaska.
Every year the cost of power goes up, in the next 10 years you will pay someone for your power, why not pay yourself?
The average payback is less than 8 years, and over the lifetime of your solar system, it will pay for itself more than 5 times over.
No moving parts, no maintenance, no batteries, no reason not to go solar today.
Split Cell = More Power
Learn more about Bifacial Panel Technology
Our solar panels are better for capturing peak power during our winters, in shade, and, of course, full sun.
Solarize Alaska
Have you heard about neighborhoods solarizing?
Renewable Energy Systems of Alaska can often offer you better ROI than Solarize programs and you should get competing quotes for what fits your home best. Click Here to Learn More